OpenRail Overhead Line Designer Help

Modify Objects



  • Edit Object - Brings up the corresponding dialog to edit the selected object.
  • Edit Position - Allows the user to edit the coordinates of an object in the xy level.
  • Edit Heights - Allows the user to edit the upper and lower z-coordinate of a catenary element.

Reposition Object

  • Reposition Object - Move an object to a new location by drag and drop.
  • Reposition Objects - Move multiple objects to a new location by drag and drop.

Align Objects

Aligns a catenary element.

Edit Support Points

Changes attributes of support points over a block.

  • Align to Opposite - Aligns a row of poles in a double track line to the opposite row.
  • Align and Move - Redefines pole distances for a block with catenaries.
  • Foundation Category - Allows the user to edit the pole type, the foundation type, and the connection between them for multiple masts.